Monday, June 2, 2008


Today is the day! New release day at Liquid Silver Books. My first book will go on sale around 7:30 this evening. I’m having a release party and I hope everyone stops in. It will be a new post above this one. Live for an hour or so. Jukebox is loaded, bar is stocked, and Coyote dancing is the price of admission. Come on by and say hi.


Jill said...

Just coming to say congrats for your release, because I'm not be here for it! Gonna miss it again, probably, because >i would be at karate!

Roscoe James said...

Chop chop! Thanks Jill. See you some other time.

Rhian said...

is that really your head in the avatar?

Roscoe James said...

Yep, got bigger after my book came out. What'ya think?

Rhian said...

ya need to do something about the jaundice... but yeah, it could grow on me. Part of me though wants to pull out the fixin's for pie...

Roscoe James said...

Just dig away... ah, don't get ur fingers sticky. :D