Sunday, March 23, 2008

Deer Run Falls - art

Yes, my first cover. No release date yet but I am in edits. So, coming soon from Liquid Silver Books - Deer Run Falls by Roscoe James.


Romance, Romance, Romance said...

I'm a long time admirer of your work I love the way your characters capture my attention...then go from there and make themselves really known to me. They are rich, multi faceted people. You never cease to amaze me. Koodos to Roscoe.

Romance, Romance, Romance said...

I'll tell you what possibilities I thought of when I looked at the cover art. A body hitting, first the rocks with a thud, then falling into river, the only witnesses, the wildlife of the sultry Mississippi night. Perhaps a love triangle, maybe one of the people on the cover has discovered a dark secret that has been kept for untold years and threatens to shatter the lives of the other two if he or she doesn't get the person long desired. Whatever is going on, the cover makes feel that it is sure to be hot, sexy, steamy, intense, and definitely full of suspense.

Roscoe James said...

Thanks Lotta. You are my bestus fan.

Nina Pierce said...

Roscoe, that cover is amazing. Hope the edits are moving along and this book is going to be out there soon!

Jill said...

It is coming more and more to the important date, then!

Blog said...

How exciting! The cover looks GREAT! Good luck with this!

Roscoe James said...

Hey! Still traveling. Been a little crazy (well, more than usual). Back next week. Great comments. Thanks all!

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