Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Deer Run Falls - Roscoe James - Liquid Silver Books

I have a little announcement to make. First let me appologize for my absence the last few weeks. They’ve had me chained to my desk in the dungeon. Well, then they stuck me in a studio for a few days. But not to worry. I’ve had all the bread and water I want for the time being.

So, the announcement. Right, well, it seems that Deer Run Falls (working title Mississippi Mud) will be published by Liquid Silver Books this year. It is the first in a series of romance/mysteries that take place in the south. I won't bore you with details of the book - I think the book trailer says plenty.

No word on production date or availability. I invite everyone to drop into and search – Roscoe James – and vote and comment on my book trailer. This is a first draft. I’m making a few changes and should have the new one up by next week.

So, thanks. Champagne for everyone!


L.P. said...

Jumping up and down and clapping!
You go BABE!
~dancing in circles, arms over head~
Giving shout out at my place!
Because Roscoe James ROCKS!

Rhonda L. Jones said...

That is absolutely awesome. I saw the news over at Lakota's place that a fellow writer had become published and decided I had to come right over and shake your hand. Now I'm stuck in the computer screen up to my wrist. Ah well. Congrats anyway. - Rhonda

Roscoe James said...

Yeah, LP, you would be. It even has an Indian Princess. Lol. Thanks.

Rhonda... nice to meet you. And thanks. Nothing like words of encouragement.

Jill said...

Are you sure you are alive?
And you left us for a dungeon, without letting us know?? We could have go and play with you!
I really need to start rading e-books, all of you writer blogger seems to have interesting books!

Rhonda L. Jones said...

Dungeons...the spas of the Dark Side. Sigh...

Ann said...

Congrats! That's great news.

Roscoe James said...

Thanks everyone. Very nice comments. I appreciate them.

L.P. said...

I'm sold.

Rhian said...

I'm so proud. (wiping tears from my eyes)
Giving a big shout out for your sale and yes I'm alive. Geez.
And if you make a celebrity crack I'm gonna smack you upside the head. Right now - YOU'RE the celeb sweetums... I just need an address to send the paparazzi to.

Roscoe James said...

Wow! Can I get your autograph?

Rhian said...

You are such an ass.
Loveable, but an ass.
Love the new avatar by the way.

Harry Markov said...

Congratulations and I loved the trailer. Very very intriguing.

It's not about lust, it's about dangerous lust. Man that is so wicked.

Y said...

o.k. you have to forgive my belated "congrats!!!!!" my computer dies and you have a book deal. wow. i am insanely happy for you. thanks for stopping by the blog too. i don't know how much longer i will be away...*crossing fingers* lets hope it is fixable. big hugs for you. can't wait to read it!!!!

Jill said...

Have you become too famous for us?

Roscoe James said...

Never, Jill. They still have me chained in the dungeon. I'll put a new teaser up tomorrow for book number three.

But thanx for asking. No one else has. Lol.

Jill said...

You are on a roll, darling!! You going to have a ticket for overspeeding!

Nina Pierce said...

Obviously I'm late to the party, but the directions weren't listed on mapquest! But I'm here now! Congrats on the contract, RJ!

Jill said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too, RJ! Do you need help to unlock those chains?