Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Okay all you Scrooges out there gather round. Marley here. Just thought I’d get the season started. No, I am not one of those bah humbug Christmas pessi-skeptics. I’m also not one of those plastic Santas climbing a ladder into oblivion guys… well, maybe you get it. I just enjoy the change of pace. A time to reflect. A time to charge batteries and get centered again. And an excuse to give someone special something special just ‘cause I want to.

So let’s get the music started.


Jill said...

Ok, one thing, RJ, I prefer my Christmas song with singing!!

Rhian said...

bah. humbug.

Roscoe James said...

I'll get you some words
To go with your cheer
And eight tiny reindeer
And buy you a beer.

A humbug's been spotted
All bahhing about
They really should ban them
They just seem to pout.

Rhian said...

hand me another beer and i'll try to control the pouting.

Jill said...

Thank for the offer, RJ, but I will have to refuse!! I don't drink beer!!

L.P. said...

You do realize that Christmas is just another example of the conquerors assimulating the downtrodden, right? It's a ritualist conglomorate of pagan beliefs assembled into a capitalistic package. Just saying.
So what are you getting me this year?

Lisa Andel said...

I hate polls. I only played with the one cause Rhian made me.

L.P. said...

What the hell do polls have to do with christmas? Focus! geez.

i like surveys. everyone believes them. even surveys of one.

Anonymous said...

LP said this place was weird.

L.P. said...

i've lost my Batgirl. has anyone seen her? sniff.

Anonymous said...

Surveys? Fuck that, pass me a beer.

L.P. said...

Yippeee! There you are girlfriend! I was getting lonely. You wouldn't like me lonely... wait, that's not how it goes...

Anonymous said...

So where's this RJ dude?

L.P. said...

What christmas means to me.
lots and lots and lots of presents.
some that i can actually use and don't have to pass on to other people, pretending i bought them.

whatcha drinking?

L.P. said...

how the fuck am i supposed to know?
don't tell me you believe all the native american mysticsm crap.

Anonymous said...

Anything and everything!

What christmas means to me? PARTY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking to?

L.P. said...

you are such a party slut Batgirl.

L.P. said...

who am i talking to? who are you channeling that you would ask me that?

Anonymous said...

Does the name Meridith mean anything to you?

Anonymous said...

You flatterer!
I didn't see that comment before. Hey, did I ever show you what I can do with a beer can?

L.P. said...

you're channeling Meredith?
should i look her up in wikipedia or something? because you know they know everything about everything and everybody.

L.P. said...

can i videotape you showing me?

Anonymous said...

I just made the name Meridith up. See if Wikipedia can tell you that.

Anonymous said...

Sure, why not!

How about some booze here! Where the hell is the bartender anyway.

L.P. said...

and you did all that with a beer can. impressive. (not.)
bored now.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. I had to watch you do that thing with the zuchinni.

L.P. said...

i could have sworn that was you clapping and wolf whistling, yelling "more, more!"
and then i brought out the eggplant.

yes, i like to play with my food.
some consider it socially inept. i say it's just plain old fashioned fun.

Anonymous said...

Hehehe, I bow to your mastery of the spaghetti squash.

L.P. said...

what can i say, when ya got it, ya got it. someone told me there were naked bartenders here. I don't see a single one. I don't even see a bar. In fact all i can see is the flashing of tacky christmas lights.

Anonymous said...

Wait until I show you what you can do with tacky christmas lights...

L.P. said...

i believe you meant what YOU can do with tacky lights. i have a certain iconic image to maintain, i can't be rolling in the kitsch.

Anonymous said...

Oh right, all natural, organic shit.

Ever try a watermelon?

L.P. said...

you are one sick bat.

Anonymous said...

Thank you sweetie, coming from you that really means a lot.

L.P. said...

i knew it would. cuz we're BFF forever. or at least until one of us kicks the others ass.

Anonymous said...

I still say we can do both.
We do, after all, know how to have a good time.

Jill said...

RJ, are you searching for a copy of l'Illiade that you ae missing when people are on your blog having a party of their own??