Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Seasonal Thought

After Bob I thought it was time for some more Yule tide cheer. And this one has words. Enjoy Jill.


L.P. said...

Oh look, it's Barbie singing. I feel ill from all the sugar. You're trying to ignore me and it won't work.

Anonymous said...

Hey LP, lets set the explosives and get the hell out of here. We don't need this kind of shit.

Jill said...

I'm starting to think I have to like Carrie Underwood with all of you singing her merits, RJ!
I did enjoye this one more than the first one you put. But to have a very Christmasy feeling, I need a mix of french and english song.
Next task for you RJ, find me a good french Christmas's song!

L.P. said...

I'm still here. You're still ignoring me. We could do this forever you know. Batgirl - sic him.

Jill said...

Is the song changing every hour??
This version of open fire makes me realise the talent of Christina. She has a really beautiful voice!

L.P. said...

mmm - Jilly-girl.... you're seeing things. But that's okay. We'll all love you anyway.

L.P. said...

HA! Shat on by a spammer! Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout. Mess with me and the spammers will come bite your heinie... oh crappola - I better make sure they haven't hit me!

Roscoe James said...

The spam was in Portuguese. Wanting everyone to make a phone call. Jeeze, give me a break. Is there any way to block the user?

Anyway, you are absolutely right Jill. Christina has ten times the talent of all the other Diva’s put together. In fact, you could simply say she has talent and the other’s don’t and leave it at that.

So, Pocahontas, what the hell have you and Battygirl done to my blog? Do I need to call a bomb squad? Get the dogs out and have the building checked?

Jill said...

And she is the only one that seems to be still down to earth, RJ!!!

L.P. said...

I was fighting the good fight for you RJ! Defending the front lines, weighing myself down like Rambo, ready to do and die... and then got distracted when i chipped a nail. You killed the spammer though. I don't even see any spam dust left. Impressive. Want to join my vigilante crew?