Thursday, November 15, 2007

Monday Poetry Train

Again, an aside for me. I'm off to NY with Amanda Ramrod so I thought I'd post early in case I'm, ah, all tied up on Monday. Nothing new - reposts from the Party.

Happy Annie-Verse-Airy Rhian!

Copyright 2007 Roscoe James

What Need

We tried to climb the mountain high
To touch the stars, the moon, the sky
A gentle touch, a muffled sigh
We tried to climb the mountain high

We tried to still celestial cries
To touch our souls with open eyes
A soft caress we did not try
… to still celestial cries.

What need to climb the mountain high
To touch the moon, the stars, the sky
What need to still celestial cries
To touch our souls with open eyes

What need a gentle lovers sigh
… when climbing mountains high

Will the Darkness Keep a Secret

Will the darkness keep a secret
If I hold you close and sigh
Lean in and whisper softly
Will the darkness turn away

Will the darkness keep a secret
If our eyes meet and we cry
If our hands touch oh so gently
Will the darkness turn away

Will the darkness keep a secret
If our lips touch and we fly
If our hearts sing in the twilight
Will the darkness turn away

Would Time Not Wait

Would time not wait
For lovers arms
To find the silence
Of the night

Would time not wait
For a gentle kiss
To heal the hurt
Of times apart

Would time not wait
For mornings’ dawn
To find our hearts
In quiet bliss


Rhian said...

awwwww. yer a sensative guy aren't ya? i can tell these things.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

'What Need' is my favorite:
'We tried to still celestial cries
To touch our souls with open eyes
A soft caress we did not try
… to still celestial cries.'

And when I say it's my favorite, I mean I REALLY love it.

Jill said...

The darkness one is my favorite, since you can feel the sweetnees of the night!! The passion, and yet the tenderness or that couple!!

Ann said...

I like all three, can't decide which is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I liked the first one best. I think I needed to read that today!

Y said...

i liked them all, but if i had to pick a favorite... the Darkness one would win.
i could go on and on about why i like it...but lets not. *grin*
if this is an aside for

Rhian said...

okay-doky RJ - we've missed you all weekend. are you back yet?

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Lovely stuff, RJ. Nice to meet you; we've been passing each other at Rhi's place.

T.A.Chase said...

Great poems, Roscoe. I think I like the last one best. :)

Roscoe James said...

Hello guys and gals. Yep, just arrived. My ass is still sore from Amanda Ramnrod's board meeting. Thanks to all. Let me get over to the blogaversary and see if I can stll win something. Knowin' Rhian, she probably just had the last drawing.

Jill said...

RJ, you still need to join the fun!! Two comments is not enough!!